Welcome to your course! This course is the second course in a series of courses (not all by me). I thought that, quite humbly, with regards to the current situation of educational system in Iran, I knew many courses much better when I was a highschool student! It is not easy to correct this continuously failing educational system which is not based on merit but I decided to do my best. I thought we students can show a glimpse of how serious, organized, nice and rewarding a course can be in the hope that this will cause waves of enlightenment among students so that they know themselves, their rights and demand more. this of course, is rather idealistic but so are all influencing movements. Let us start a tradition of excellence, solely based on merit, which values science the most. this could not be done without your help and understanding. Thanks for helping us in this mission!



Goals of the course, syllabus, etc.




Useful resources


Reading Assignments



  1. First series

  2. Second Series